A downloadable game

Settle the World is a turn-based building and trading game with a focus on local multiplayer (up to four players on one Amiga computer).

You will have to found settlements, build roads, establish trade relations with your fellow player, explore the map and sometimes send soldiers to war.

The current version of "Settle the World" is the -Bugfix Update- from May 2024.


  • Settle the World is easily playable on the PC via the Steam Retro Arch or WinUAE emulators.
    Download the HDF file and mount it as a drive in an Amiga emulator.
  • Settle the World is now fully playable in German.


  • Settle the World ist nun komplett in deutscher Sprache spielbar.


There is also a Quick Start Guide in English and German as a PDF.
This should make it much easier for you to get started with the game.
The Quick Start Guide has become somewhat outdated during the development process, but is still quite useful.

Quick Start Guide EN

Schnellstart Anleitung DE


We would be happy if you would follow us on Discord:


Here we will share small infos and screenshots about the development of "Settle the World" on a regular basis.
Join us and bring your ideas and feedback into the further development of the game.
We are also always open for constructive criticism.

The game is still in development and some important core elements of the game concept are still missing.

The game is developed for OCS/ECS PAL Amiga computers with at least :

  • 1 MB free Chip-RAM
  • 4 MB Fast-RAM
  • A hard disk drive
  • 680000 CPU, but at least a 68020 CPU or better is recommended
  • Kick-ROM 3.x (testet with 3.1 and 3.1.2) or AROS (free Amiga Kick-ROM

The game needs at least 1 MB of free Chip-RAM.
If there is not enough chip mem available when starting from the workbench, it is advisable to start the game directly without running the start-up sequence.

Multiplayer (via Steam Retro Arch Emulator):
Here you will find a short guide on how to set up the Steam Retro Arch Emulator to start Settle the World and how to play the game with multiple players via Steam Remote Play on the PC.

Settle the World is currently still in development.

  • Game content can change at any time
  • There are only a few sound effects at the moment.
  • More in-game music will be added with later updates.

You can use load Save Slot 1 or Slot 2 to continue an advanced save game to test the game.

The game is not bugfree and still under development.
It is therefore recommended to save the game regularly in different save slots.

Copyright 2022-2024 Christian Wiegel
Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


SettleTheWorld.hdf - Bugfix Update (May 2024) 20 MB
SettleTheWorld.lha - Bugfix Update (May 2024) 4.2 MB

Install instructions

Workbench 3.x

  • Make sure your Amiga has at least 1 MB ChipRAM and 4 MB FastRAM
  • Transfer the settletheworld.lha file to your Amiga computer
  • Extract the LHA file to any folder you like
  • Please note the ReadMe and the License file
  • Stop any USB or Network stack
  • Start the game with double click on the SettleTheWorld icon
  • or run the game from shell change to your Settle the World folder, type settletheworld.exe and press Return

Amiga Emulator

For WinUAE or other emulators please use cycle exact setting to prevent graphics and music problems.
You can download and use the SettleTheWorld.hdf hard disk file directly with WinUAE or other Amiga emulators without having to start the game from Workbench.
Most emulators have a build in AROS KickROM which you can use to play the game. A copyrighted Amiga KickROM is not required to play the game.

Development log

View all posts


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Very good game and good atmosphere, keep up the good work. I noticed that the game has a new May update, so I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from May 2024" video.

Great, thank you very much.


спасибо, интересная игра


Thank you....and a very complex one ;-)


I'm really impressed with this game. Very well done.


Thank your very much, I am glad you like it.

this looks awfully promising for a 2024 neo-retro game taking full power of the old amiga, i havent gotten to the full play yet b/c life (and #stuff) but so far the farm update.hdf works, the dev version 2024 01 however gives something about .exe not found (i play on mister fpga , minimig, setting 68020 cpu/aga) - this is feedback, not criticism as a civ fan of the first hour on the st as a teenie id really like to see this thing happen, thx!!

Hallo Catham, thank you for your valuable feedback.
If you like you can send me a mail at:
theotheoderich (at) gmx.de

Then I can send you a LHA file with the latest development version.
And if you also like we can have a multiplayer test session via Steam.

Settle the World can be run using the free RetroArch Emulator.
With Steam Remote Play I can invite you to a multiplayer gaming session. You do not need to install anything at your side. You only need a Steam Account (and perhaps Discord, so we can talk).

It is important to me to get a direct feedback from other players.
So it would be nice to have a multiplayer session, where I can show and explain you the game.

I am located in Germany, but we can talk englisch :-)

Would be great to play the game with somebody who likes such games.
Please write me an email if you are interested in having a multiplayer gaming session.

i appreciate the enthusiasm but im not much of a chatter anymore , i was just testing mister fpga stuff and came across this, i certainly have a steam account  : https://janesondergrond.art/index/janesgeems.php click steam profile you can always add but i dont chat much there either, i also dont have a windows partition anymore since the last one somehow forced my ssd firmware into a state of "overused" and i cant undo it (its a new one so its almost impossible that its past its read/write maximum)  but before i go offtopic too much ill certainly keep an eye on it, but mostly running it from mister fpga so to me the .vhd files are better . If this is a game-jam game then gamejams certainly have evolved lol.

actually its not that im not willing to try but i cant promise making several hours at once, and i dont know if retroarch runs the same on linux, maybe if you have some kind of PBEM mode like alpha centauri had, in that case i could do my turns when it suits , i certainly would give that a try, the old PBEM days are quite missable, like ppl who used to play chess by sending letters across the country or continent one move at a time (maybe im too ancient for the 2024 times) at any rate its great to see stuff like that being developed if you can do PBEM let me know ill be one of your strategic pen-pals lol

Thank you for your answer.
No stress ;-)

It would be possible to send a savestate via email, but I do not think that would be fun. In the early game you need only one or two minutes for your turn.
Would take ages to play such a game sending savefiles via email after every turn.

Was just a question, I'm always looking for people who would like to play Settle the World with me one evening ;-)

i understand, its like i said its for patient people and not of this time anymore ... ill give it a run tho with 2 or more players i against i and if i bump into something i'll let you know. Would be nice to see an a.i. but i have a hunch how not simple that is. Good luck with it, id love to see it happen, new stuff post-2020 that runs on fpga is always awesome

in case you read this still i gave it a run on the mister and sent you a mail (hopefully it arrives with the screenshots attached with some stuff) if you want to mail back so you can keep your itch feed here prim :p no rush ofcourse

I saw the recent video, about the status of development on november 2023, and I love your work, please continue, thanks very much!